The Wilson Center mourns the passing of former Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia. Through his 20-plus years in Congress he built a reputation as a public servant able to generate bipartisan support and for always being available to engage with those holding opposing views to his own. Paramount among his accomplishments, which has positively affected millions around the world, is the Global Food Security Act. According to Wilson Center President and CEO, Ambassador Mark Green, this legislation reaffirmed the United States' “commitment to ending global poverty, hunger, and malnutrition.”
Our scholars and staff continue to embrace Senator Isakson’s legacy of having an open and honest dialogue about the issues facing our country and our planet. Ambassador Green added, “Johnny was a good and honorable person. He was a key partner and ally on affirming America’s compassionate leadership. More than that, I was fortunate enough to count him among my good friends.”
The Wilson Center community sends condolences to Senator Isakson’s family, friends and colleagues.